Double Chin

A double chin, also called submental fat, does not just affect individuals who may be overweight, as may be common belief, but can be a problem for anyone regardless of gender.


Factors That Influence Development Of A Double Chin


As we age, collagen and elastin synthesis in the skin naturally reduces, which leads to skin laxity. This sagging can contribute to a double chin as it creates the appearance of a pocket of fat at the neck or jaw line. A double chin joins fine lines and wrinkles as a sign of ageing.

When you regularly consume more calories than you burn, the excess calories are stored as fat all over the body, leading to weight gain, the most prominent cause of a double chin. A diet high in sugar, processed foods, and unhealthy fats, as well as usually being high in calories, is problematic, as it can lead to the breakdown of collagen in the skin and cause laxity. This laxity, coupled with weight gain, can worsen the appearance of submental fat.

Fat distribution can be hereditary up to a point, in that it can be a determining factor in where or how your body carries fat, just like ‘love handles’, a double chin can be difficult to shift as a result of where you have stubborn pockets of fat.

A surprising factor in the development of a double chin is posture – when muscles in the neck and chin area become weak over time, the surrounding skin loses its elasticity and can sag or droop causing the appearance of a pocket of fat below the chin. There are exercises that claim to reduce this, but evidence to support their efficacy is largely anecdotal.


Can A Double Chin Be Treated?

Currently there are very few options out there for reducing the appearance of submental fat, and they are mostly made up of surgical treatments like liposuction or surgical face and neck lift.

For those who are unwilling to go under the knife, one non-surgical alternative is Aqualyx which uses targeted dissolving technology to reduce the amount of fat cells in an area.