Secret RF

Feonix Aesthetics is proud to offer Secret RF, a new microneedling treatment that improves signs of aging skin, fine lines, wrinkles and scars with little to no downtime. Secret RF uses microneedles to deliver fractional Radio Frequency (RF) energy into varying levels of the skin including the deeper layers where treatment is most beneficial. This unique delivery of energy allows us to achieve optimal results on all skin types. 
Secret RF is an easy, safe and effective procedure that can be performed in a quick, 20-minute treatment session. Able to provide consistent results, while requiring very little downtime, Secret RF is quickly becoming a popular choice with those who want to combat the typical signs of ageing. To achieve the optimal effect, 3-4 Secret RF treatments are recommended. You’ll start to notice results after your second treatment, but optimal results appear 3 months after the last treatment. 
Your Secret RF treatment consultant can provide all the details you need to make an informed decision about the procedure. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with our Secret RF treatment specialist!
Technical Information
The Secret RF uses radio frequencies and micro-needles to coagulate the blood and create haemostasis. In other words, the blood becomes a little thicker and replicates the same action as collagen within the body. When the coagulated blood remains in the treated area, you’ll find that fine lines and wrinkles become less apparent, while scars are much less noticeable.
This therapy is unique in that it can create a range of different frequencies to better suit the area of treatment, as well as the skin type of the individual receiving the session. It can also reach different depths within the layers of the skin, allowing for a much more effective response, even within challenging skin.
Two different handpieces can be chosen, which are each designed to fit within the size of the area requiring treatment. This allows for patients to be treated in as little as twenty minutes – and, with minimal downtime, you can be back to your normal leisure experience within a few hours.
Frequently Asked Questions  
How Many Session Will I need? 
Results can be seen in as little as one session, but the optimal number of sessions required will be discussed with you during your consultation. For most people, this is usually three to four treatments, although you will likely see the results after the second treatment and anywhere up to three months after the first session.
Am I A Suitable Candidate?
As long as you are in generally good health, then you are able to take part in treatment with Secret RF. Any area of the face and body can be considered, and both men and women can benefit from using this innovative treatment.
Due to the wide range of frequencies available, along with two different handpieces and the adjustable depth of the instruments, this treatment is suitable for all skin types and concerns. The Secret RF is most popular with people who want to minimise the look of fine lines and wrinkles, or for those with scarring caused by acne
Who Will Perform This Treatment?
Your treatment will be performed by a qualified and fully trained professional. One of our highly trained medical aestheticians will be happy to talk you through the treatment and meet with you beforehand, to answer any questions you may have.
What Areas Can Be Treated? 
Any area on the body and face can be treated, although you should be aware that larger areas may need more sessions than smaller areas. Similarly, challenging skin may take more sessions than non-challenging skin. Your fully-trained and qualified aesthetician will discuss this with you, during your consultation.
Is there Any Down Time?
Thanks to the unique delivery of Secret RF, there is little to no downtime required after sessions. On the day of your treatment, you may find that your skin has a little redness and may be a little sore to touch or have minor swelling. However, by the third day, you can usually return to wearing makeup and using skin creams.
How Much Do Secret RF Treatments Cost? 
The price for Secret RF treatments start from: £650
Speak to our team today to book your consultation.